By Honore Onana Olah, SJ
Jesuits from West Africa Province (AOC) celebrated the Day of Consecrated Life on 03 February 2019 in Nairobi (Kenya) with others religious from various religious congregations.
It was during a Mass organized in the community of Marist Brothers by the Association of Cameroonian Religious living in Nairobi. A Mass where was also celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Fr. Peter Foleng, Formator at the Marist Brothers House. Fr. Peter Foleng, also presided over the Mass where Honoré Onana, SJ., Vice-President of the Association of Cameroonian Religious living in Kenya, officiated as deacon.

Commenting on the readings of the day, (Jeremiah 1: 4-5, 17-19, Psalms 71: 1-6, 15-17, 1 Corinthians 12: 31–13: 13, Luke 4: 21-30) Fr. Peter Foleng insisted to the prophetic mission of Jesus of which the Gospel speaks. The principal celebrant also invited and encouraged the Cameroonian religious to “imitate the prophetic life of Christ and especially to pray for their country which is going through difficult times”. He also urge them to “bring all their expertise as a missionary to their homeland which is now Kenya”. And in order to live this missionary aspect which the Church invites us, “they need to accept local cultural aspects including language and food”.
For Fabrice Kameni, SJ., who took part in this Mass, the songs and the atmosphere allowed him to “feel being at home, and a happy missionary”.
Let us recall in mind that it is in 1997, that Pope Saint John Paul II chose February 02, Feast of the Presentation of the child-Jesus at the Temple, to institute the Day of Consecrated Life. This year, for reasons of timing, the religious from Cameroon living in Kenya celebrated it on February 3, 2019.
The day ended in a festive atmosphere with fraternal Agapes.
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