By Honoré Onana Olah, SJ
« C’est une grande joie pour nous de vous avoir présente ici Mme le Consul à l’occasion de la journée de prière pour la paix au Cameroun ». These are the words pronounced by Fr. John the Baptist Zamcho, SJ, last Saturday, at the chapel of Hekima University College (Nairobi-Kenya), during the Mass for peace in the country.
En effet, Madame Vivian Nain, Consul du Cameroun au Kenya a participé à une messe pour la paix organisée par l’association des religieux du Kenya. La messe a été présidée par le père Damian Fuh, MHM, qui avait à ses côtés les pères Jacob Ketchen, OH., et John the Baptist Zamcho, SJ. On a noté aussi la présence de toutes les associations des communautés de la diaspora camerounaise présente au Kenya.
Au cours de son homélie, le père Damian a d’abord présenté la situation sécuritaire du pays, ensuite souligner le dessein de Dieu, et enfin une lueur d’espoir pour la paix.
“where is God in this situation? Does he care?”
Firstly concerning the security situation in the country, Fr. Damian affirmed that: “our people continue to experience the threat of Boko Haram in the North and far North Regions; rebel incursions in the East”, and currently the turmoil in the Anglophones regions. Indeed, “the situation in the Anglophone regions of Cameroon is becoming increasingly desperate with no one spared from the violence which is spiralling out of control” he added.
About the purpose of God for the country « Cameroon, recalled Fr. Damian, has rightly been code-named ‘Africa in miniature’ because not only because of its beautiful and diverse geographical features and climate, but more so, because of the unparalleled rich and unique socio-cultural diversity of its people.” Questioning people about the sufferings and the situation facing the country today, he asked: “where is God in this situation? Does he care?” the following answer given was “God is surely not indifferent to our sufferings. But surely he is asking you and I to shoulder our own share of responsibility”.
Thirdly, evoking peace Fr. Damian Fuh, MMH, whom relatives and parents are also affected by the ongoing situation said: “the image of Cameroon as being a peaceful niche, has been tried, tested, broken and even shattered in the last few months”. But as we pray for peace and for the repose of the souls of all who have died in the conflicts at home, the presider invited the people to invoke our Mother Mary to comfort the afflicted.
Continuons de prier pour la paix
Prions ensemble que notre Seigneur Jésus Christ prince de la paix touche le cœur de tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans les conflits actuels de notre pays bien-aimé, surtout dans les régions du Nord et du Sud-Ouest, a-t-il ajouté.
Towards the end of the Mass which was celebrated in both national languages English and French, Sister Josianne Nkem, SUSC, Chairperson of the Religious Fraternity in Kenya adressed a word of gratitude. Ms. Vivian Nain, Consul of Cameroon in Kenya was also kind enough to give us her impressions. She was interviewed by Honoré Onana Olah:
It is something laudable; it is something that others Cameroonians diaspora need to emulate. Praying for peace, praying for our country should be something of concern to all of us. Because what is happening back home concerns us; each and every one of us in one way or another.
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