by Honore Onana Olah, SJ
“The formation of young Jesuits today should be informative.” These are the words evoked by Fr. Stephen Kizito Forbi, SJ during the planning meeting that took place from January 29 to 30, 2019 at the Hekima Institute of Peace and International Relations (HIPSIR). The planning meeting was organised by the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM) in preparation for the Conference Formation Assembly that is scheduled for December 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Fr. Kizito Forbi SJ is a Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University of Central Africa in Cameroon (UCAC). He is also the delegate of formation at the Jesuit Province of West Africa (AOC). He was kind enough for an interview about the meeting:
(Quelques extraits en français et en anglais)
The formation of young Jesuits today can be updated in the sense that the formation remains historical and informational rather than formative. So we prefer that the formation of young Jesuits today should be informative. In others words giving them the proper tools to be able to analyse the African situation. In Jesuits’ words, to be able to contemplate the ‘space’ which is Africa…
La réunion n’a pas seulement concerné les délégués à la formation. Il faudrait dire ici que c’est la réunion du groupe préparatoire qui prépare une réunion, qui va réunir les provinciaux, les délégués pour la formation etc. bref tous les états généraux de la formation des jésuites en Afrique, en décembre 2019 à Nairobi…nous serons de retour ici à Nairobi fin aout pour peaufiner et approfondir ce que nous avons fait ces jours-ci ; nonobstant qu’entre janvier et août, nous allons continuer de travailler avec le Socius du JCAM…
In every society they must be an aggiornamento which means an updating. So, this meeting is actually updating the formation of Jesuits in Africa…bringing it up to date.
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