By Honore Onana Olah, SJ
In line with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who prayed for the victims of Sierra Leone mudslide, the Jesuits are soliciting for assistance towards helping the victims of Sierra Leone Mudslide especially after losing over 1000 people as a result of the catastrophic floods and mudslide.
Early on Monday 14th of August in Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone, people awaked under flood after the mudslides. Among one of the first reaction to this catastrophe, Pope Francis by a message addressed to Archbishop Charles Edward Tamba of Freetown, assuring “those who have lost loved ones of his closeness at this difficult time”, and expressing “his prayerful solidarity with the rescue workers and all involved in providing the much needed relief and support to the victims of this disaster”.
The Jesuits North West Africa Province (ANW) under the leadership of Fr. Chukwuyenum Afiawari, SJ, Provincial, have decided to appeal for a solidarity. By his message Fr Afiawari, SJ, is appealing “to all our Jesuit companions, communities and institutions/works throughout the Society, our collaborators-in-mission, friends and benefactors and all people of good will everywhere to join us in this noble cause as we collaborate with others to care for the suffering Body of Christ in Sierra Leone.”
He added that the Jesuits are offering themselves to “serve as a conduit for any help that may be offered” and they “wish to register not only (their) solidarity with the people of Sierra Leone but also (their) intent and readiness to participate in such on-going assistance, partnering with those already on the ground.”
The aim is “to join hands with us to help in the efforts to rebuild lives and homes of affected families in Freetown, Sierra Leone. No donation is too small”. The donors, while responding to the immediate needs, “have to keep an eye on and begin to plan for long term reconstruction efforts.”
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