Nicolas RANDRIAMAMONJY, SJ introduces us to the Meditation with the Readings of Good Friday: Isaiah 52:13—53:12; Psalms 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9; John 18:1-19:42

Jesus through his Passion, manifested his greatest love for us

Every year we celebrate the mystery of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have forty days to prepare ourselves for this very special experience. I would call it the experience of true love manifested on Good Friday. Love, as far as we understand, is a free gift from God. It is the essence and engine of our life. Love is the only greatest thing which can make our life full of joy.  In other words, we cannot live without love. Love leads us to respect one another and acknowledge one another as who we are. It is the engine which pushes us to open our hearts and welcome others in our lives. In this sense, love enables us to create a better world, a better society full of joy and happiness. Love is about sharing what we have: our time, and joys. It is about sharing who we are:  our smile, generosity, and compassion.

Love is a decision, a leaning towards others. Love is not selfishness, it is about seeking what is good for others without waiting for reward. It is a free given gift of the best of ourselves for the good of others. Love leads us to live like a candle which melts little by little by giving light to others.

Good Friday is an experience of true love

Jesus through his passion, manifested his greatest love for us. He, with his Father, took the decision to come down from heaven for us. Through his miracles, he shows us the love of God and His desire to save us from sins and suffering. He came to share His time, His life, His joy, His graces with us. He wanted to create for us a better world, a better society and a better life where everybody feels loved. For these reasons Jesus did not hesitated to go through his passion. He came for you. He loves you and he wants you to be happy. He offers you a better life in him. He gave his life for you!

Good Friday is an experience of true love; love which will last forever and will never change. It is a very personal experience because at this moment Jesus gives his life for each and every one of us. He gave His life for you. He fell three times for you; He brought the cross for you. Nothing could prevent Him from this moment because His determination was commanded by His love. Love which goes beyond everything even sins. At the same time, He invites you now, not weep of his suffering but to open your heart and Love. He invites you to go beyond all obstacles because love overcomes everything. You have been loved so go and love as Jesus loves you.


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